
SampleLoggersCertificateThis certificate is awarded to any licensed radio amateur who documents that they have worked at least ten members of the club. Contacts can be made on any band using any mode, and even repeater contacts are allowed. There is no logging or QSL confirmation requirement as it’s based solely on the honor system. Endorsements may be earned for each additional ten club members worked.

Applicants do not need to be a member of the club to apply – in fact, the program from its inception has had the side benefit of helping to introduce new hams to the fact the club exists and to encourage new members to join.

The Logger’s Certificate was first issued in April 1957. From that time through 2007, 657 awards were made, many documenting contacts with long-time and influential members of the Radio Club of Tacoma.

The cumbersome paper database system used to maintain the award eventually led to its disuse, but as of 2016 (the club's Centennial year) the Logger's Certificate is revived and is once again available.  We actually still have a many-year supply of the original Logger’s Certificate blanks from the second printing by long-time club member and professional printer Dick Ryan, W7RGD, in 1959.

So start listening for Radio Club of Tacoma members on the repeaters and the HF bands to earn your own Logger’s Certificate! Simply document the members you worked (preferably with a date, band and mode, for the database) and submit your entry to the address shown below.

The club will also produce reissues for anyone who has lost track of a certificate they received in the past.  Just provide your call sign so that the database can be searched.

Questions and submissions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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