Tuesdays at 7:30 PM - 147.280 MHz
Net Control Stations:
First Tuesday - Chris, N7CPM
Second Tuesday - Scott, KA7IOX
Third Tuesday - Phil, K7PIA
Fourth Tuesday - Deanna, KA7DCX
Fifth Tuesday - Open, volunteer needed
On the First Tuesday, net control station Chris N7CPM conducts a round table QSO after the net's formalities are concluded. Stick around to participate or read the mail! And if you enjoy this activity, please feel free to lobby for expanding it to other net sessions.
The 2M Net Manager is Chris N7CPM. Please contact
Net control stations, please download the Net Control Script (v6.4, effective 6/6/2024) for the Tuesday Night Net.
RCT members also participate in these nets
Sundays at 8:00 PM - 28.375 MHz
Net Control Station - WR7G
ARES nets
See Pierce County ARES website for a complete list of Events, Nets and Exercises.
NAQCC PNW80 slow speed CW social net
Thursdays at 5 PM PST or 7 PM PDT
Also see this complete list of NAQCC nets.
PNW80 Frequency: 3.5565 MHz
Start time varies during the year, between 5PM and 7PM, to accommodate daylight savings time and seasonal changes in propagation. Each session lasts 50-60 minutes (if propagation permits).
NAQCC membership is not required, nor is QRP operation -- use as much power as you need to be heard.
Early check-in begins 15 minutes before net start. When the Net Control Station (NCS) sends "QNI K", you indicate your wish to check in by sending the first character of your call sign suffix. For example, W7OS would send "O", and the NCS would respond with "O K", meaning the station sending "O" should go ahead. This procedure helps the NCS to avoid check-ins doubling with each other. Complete your check in by transmitting "DE <your callsign> K". The NCS will acknowledge you and ask you to AS (di dah di di dit, to wait for further direction).
Once the net officially starts, the NCS organizes a traditional "roundtable" by sending a list of participants in the order they will transmit (write this down). NCS then gives control to the first station on the list. Each station, in turn, transmits for a minute or three then calls the next station on the list. After each round, the NCS will call for more checkins. Additional checkins are generally added at the head of the list.
Net-oriented Q signals you may hear:
QND - net is directed (formally started)
QNF - net is free (formally ended)
QNI - check in now
QNX - you are excused from the net
QNP - I cannot copy <someone>
New and rusty practitioners of CW are very welcome.
Manager: Stewart KE7LKW (White Salmon, WA)
TAN (Tacoma Area Net), a relaxed-pace CW social net
Mondays at 7:15 PM, on 21.049 (alternate frequency 28.055)
Early checkins start at 7:05 PM. This roundtable net is modeled on the PNW80 net described above, and procedures are the same.
Tune up your fist, no pressure.
Manager: Randy WB4SPB