
Membership Dues apply to the calendar year ending December 31. Annual Dues to renew membership for the following year should be paid in full on or before December 31.


Don't forget to renew your membership! Any member who elects not to renew will be dropped from the membership roster if Annual Dues are not received by December 31.  Also, lapsed members lose access to the member content of this website.

Renew your membership using our online form or by returning the personalized form mailed by the Membership Committee to your address of record with RCT.  If you did not get a renewal form, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


To apply for (or renew) membership, you may:


Please fill in the requested information and send the form by mail with your personal check or money order made payable to "Radio Club of Tacoma" to the address shown on the bottom of the form. These forms are also available at the Clubhouse during Open House hours.

A complete schedule of dues and privileges for various membership types appears on the Membership Application forms.


The Radio Club of Tacoma is a Special Service Club of the ARRL. Club members are encouraged to join the ARRL through the club by:


Radio Club of Tacoma
PO BOX 11188
Tacoma, WA  98411-0188

© 2025 Radio Club of Tacoma, hosted by QTH.COM