Club Library Holdings
These are the RCT Library's holdings as of 9/3/2023. The listing includes holdings in both Oakman Research Library and DeMaw Circulating Library stacks.
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, US and Foreign, Wtr 48-49, Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, 1948 |
ARRL Advanced Class License Manual for the Radio Amateur, Wolfgang, Larry D; Hale, Bruce S, 1988 |
Short Wave Coil Data Book, Radio Publications, |
Storage Batteries (Bluebooks 552B), Ritter, Ralph W., and E. W. Allen, 1939 |
Transistor Specifications Manual, SAMS, 1970 |
QST Index 1945-1990, QST biblioggraphy, 1990 |
F-M Simplified, Kiver, Milton S, 1947 |
Antenna Engineering Handbook, Jasik, Henry, 1961 |
ARRL's Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2015 |
Emergency Coordinator's Handbook, Riley, Michael R, 1984 |
New RTTY Handbook, Kretzman, Byron H, 1962 |
RTTY From A to Z, Tucker, Durward J, 1970 |
Radio Amateur's Operating Manual, ARRL, 1980 |
Radio Amateur's Operating Manual, ARRL, 1972 |
ARRL 1985-1986 Extra Class License Manual, ARRL, 1986 |
ARRL Technician/General Class License Manual 1986-1987, ARRL, 1986 |
Technician Plus (Tandy - Radio Shack), West, Gordon, 1991 |
Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, Davidoff, Martin R, 1985 |
HF Antennas for All Locations, Moxon, L.A., 1984 |
Practical Oscilloscope Handbook Vol 1, Turner, Rufus P, 1964 |
Specialized Communications Techniques for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1975 |
Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, ARRL, 1970 |
Contact Sport, George, J.K., 2016 |
The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla, Tesla, Nickola, 2014 |
Practical Constructions for Vacuum Tube Circuits, Priesman, Albert, 1943 |
Basic Radio: Electron Tube Circuits, Tepper, Marvin, 1961 |
Radio Tube Fundamentals, Christ, George J, 1951 |
ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2005 |
World of Keys, Ingram, Dave, 2005 |
Frequently Asked Questions About Antenna Systems and Baluns Plus Exploring Popular Antenna Myths, Thompson, Jim, 1999 |
Art and Skill of Radio Telegraphy, The, Pierpont, William G., 2002 |
Guide to RTTY Frequencies, Ferrell, Oliver P., 1983 |
Marconi's Atlantic Leap, Bussey, Gordon, 2000 |
Ham Radio's Technical Culture, Haring, Kristen, 2007 |
Magnetic Loop Antenna, Berger, Oldrich; Dvorsky, Marek, 2015 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. DX Listings, , 1980 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1960 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1961 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1964 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1976 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1978 |
Best Ways to Use your VOM and VTVM, Shunaman, Fred, Ed., 1970 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1981 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1982 |
Portable Operating for Amateur Radio, Thomas, Stuart, 2018 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1983 |
Radio Amateur Magazine, US listings, , 1961 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1986 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. International Winter 86-87, , 1986 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1990 |
1991 Radio Amateur Callbook, , 1881 |
Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1995 |
A Family Fair: The R.L. Drake Story, Loughmiller, John, 2001 |
ARRL Digital Technology for Emergency Communications Course, ARRL, 2009 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1960 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1970 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1976 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1977 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1979 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States, , 1963 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1980 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1981 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, Callbook Magazine, 1996 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1983 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1984 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1985 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1986 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1988 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1989 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1990 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1993 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1995 |
Radio Amateur Callbook United States, , 1996 |
Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942 |
Electricity and Magnetism, ICS Staff, 1934 |
Radio Wave Propagation and the Ionosphere, Al'pert, Ya. L., 1963 |
Wireless Course, Gernsback, S.; Lescarboura, A.; Secor, H. W., 1921 |
Bringing Electric Sets Up to Date and Modernizing Radio Receivers, Denton, Clifford E., 1932 |
Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1943 |
Ferromagnetic Core Design and Application Handbook, DeMaw, Doug, 1996 |
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fowle, Frank F., 1915 |
Radio Amateur's RTTY Handbook, The, Green, Wayne and Byron H. Kretzman, 1957 |
Radio Handbook, The, Radio Magazine, 1935 |
Elementary Electricity. Training Pamphlet No. 1, , 1921 |
Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity Vol ?, American Technical Society, 1917 |
Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity Vol 3, American Technical Society, 1920 |
Ham Radio Magazine vol 2 1984-1990, , 1990 |
ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2010 |
ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2016 |
Radio Almanac, Farmer, George, 1981 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, Fall 1946, Callbook Magazine, 1946 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, US or NA listings, Fall 1962, , 1962 |
Introduction to HF Software Defined Radio, An, Barron, Andrew, 2014 |
Introduction to HF Software Defined Radio, An, Barron, Andrew, 2014 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Schetgen, Robert; Newkirk, David, 1997 |
APRS Tracks, Maps and Mobiles, Horzepa, Stan, 1999 |
Elementary Principles of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony. Radio Communication Pamphlet No. 1, , 1921 |
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fink, Donald G.; Beaty, H. Wayne, 1977 |
Audel's Handy Book of Practical Electricity With Wiring Diagrams, Graham, Frank D., 1924 |
Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Herrington, Donald E.; Meachan, Stanley, 1959 |
IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, Jay, Frank, 1977 |
Radiotron Designer's Handbook, Langford-Smith, F., 1945 |
Radiotron Designer's Handbook, Langford-Smith, F., 1953 |
The Network: The Battle for the Airwaves, Wooley, Scott, 2016 |
New Radio Receiver Building Handbook, The, Williams, Lyle Russell, 2006 |
How to Become a Radio Serviceman, Martin, Louis, 1932 |
Electrical Catechism: An Introductory Treatise on Electricity and Its Uses, Shepardson, Geo. D., 1908 |
Technical Manual: Sylvania Set-Tested Radio Tubes, Sylvania, 1939 |
MARS Base Station Call Book, US Air Force, N.D. |
Bell Laboratories Record 7,3, Bell Laboratories, ? |
Industrial Tube Products Guide, General Electric, 1980 |
Insulators (Catalog No. 30), Thomas & Sons, 1930 |
ABC's of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, Lytel, Allan Herbert, 1965 |
Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena, Steinmetz, Charles Proteus; Berg, Ernst Julius, 1900 |
Basic Electronic Test Instruments, Turner, Rufus P., 1953 |
Electronic Tubes: Five-Star and Special-Purpose Types, General Electric, 1955 |
Batteries and Energy Systems, Mantell, C. L., 1970 |
High Frequency Measurements, Hund, August, 1933 |
Specialized Communications Techniques for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1975 |
Antennas - Russian, Belotserkovskiy, G. B., 1962 |
GE transistor manual, Cleary, J. F., 1964 |
Communication Engineering, Everitt, William Littell, 1932 |
Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Lowry, William; DeMaw, Doug; Rusgrove, Jay; Steinman, Hal, 1978 |
Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Hutchinson, C. L.; Dickinson, Robert.; DeMaw, Doug, 1984 |
GE transistor manual, Lowry, H. R., 1960 |
Electronics Manual for Radio Engineers: Articles published in Electronics during 1940-1948, Zeluff, Vin; Markus, John, 1949 |
Dictionary of Electronic Terms, A, Partridge, Gordon R., 1955 |
Electronic Circuit Analysis Vol. 1: Passive Networks, Cutler, Philip; Hoover, Hardy, 1960 |
Radio Shack Dictionary of Electronics, Graf, Rudolf F., 1974 |
Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R., 2009 |
How to Read Schematic Diagrams, Herrington, Donald E., 1975 |
Electronic Circuits Handbook, Kneitel, Tom, 1963 |
Handbook of Modern Solid-state Amplifiers, Lenf, John D., 1974 |
Handbook of Simplified Solid-state Circuit Design, Lenf, John D., 1978 |
Handbook of Simplified Electrical Wiring Design, Lenf, John D., 1975 |
Electronics Dictionary, Markus, John; Cooke, Nelson Magor, 1978 |
Electronic Design with Off-the-Shelf Integrated Circuits, Meiksin, Z. H.; Thackray, Philip C., 1984 |
Engineer's Notebook 2: Integrated Circuit Applications, Mims III, Forrest M., 1982 |
Unusual Patented Circuits 1944-1946 (Gernsback Library No. 30), Radio Craft, 1946 |
RCA Transistor Manual ?, Radio Corporation of America, 1966 |
Cathode-ray Tube at Work, The, Rider, John Francis, 1935 |
Complete Guide to Reading Schematic Diagrams, Douglas-Young, John, 1972 |
Transistor Substitution Handbook, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1965 |
Solid-state Servicing, Sloot, William, 1979 |
Handbook of Operational Amplifier Design, Stout, David F.; Kaufman, Milton, 1976 |
Antenna Theory and Design. Vol. 2, The Electrical Design of Antennae, Williams, H. Paul, 1966 |
ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual, ARRL, 1990 |
Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas, Maxwell, M. Walter, 1990 |
Radio Communication Handbook, Dennison, Mike; Fielding, John, 2009 |
Wide-Band FM for the Amateur, Aagaard, James S.; DuBois, John L., 1962 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1939 |
Vertical Antenna Classics, Schetgen, Robert, 1995 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1970 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1988 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, , 2009 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2011 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1949 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1954 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL, 1985 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1986, 1986 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 1986, The, ARRL: International Amateur Radio Union, 1986 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1987 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1989, 1989 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 2002 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs 1993, The, ARRL, 1992 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1994 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1996 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1999 |
Amateur Radio Theory Course, Schwartz, Martin, 1981 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2005 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2005, The, ARRL, 2004 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2007, The, ARRL, 2006 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2008, The, ARRL, 2007 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2010, The, ARRL, 2009 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2012, The, ARRL, 2011 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 2007 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 8, ARRL, 2010 |
Modern Dictionary of Electronics, Graf, Rudolf F, 1997 |
ARRL DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2008 |
Electronics from the Ground Up, Quan, Ronald, 2015 |
Network, The, Woolley, Scott, 2016 |
ARRL's VHF/UHF Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2003 |
ARRL VHF/UHF Radio Buyer's Sourcebook, ARRL, 1997 |
ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2008 |
Building an Amateur Radiotelephone Transmitter, ARRL, 1937 |
Fifty Years of ARRL: A Reprint of Historical Articles From the 1964 Issues of QST, ARRL, 1965 |
FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur, McMullen, Thomas, ed., 1972 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1965 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1968 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1978 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1982 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1992 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1997 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2000 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2004 |
How to Become a Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1968 |
Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1976 |
Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, ARRL, 1970 |
ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2001 |
Radio Receivers and Servicing, MacIlvain,K.M., 1928 |
Radio Receivers and Servicing, MacIlvain, M.K., 1928 |
ARRL Handbook CD 2007, ARRL, 2007 |
Radio Amateur Callbook, International, , 1989 |
Understanding Amateur Radio, Rusgrove, Jay; DeMaw, Doug; Grammar, George, 1977 |
Radio Fundamentals, Radio Library I, Dart, Harry F., Zimmerman, A. G., and C. H. Vose, 1928 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 2010 |
Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, -1 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1926 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1938 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1939 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1944 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1945 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1946 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1946 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1947 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1947 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1948 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1948 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1949 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I, 1981 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1949 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1950 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1951 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1951 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1952 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1952 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1953 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1953 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1954 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1954 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1956 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1956 |
ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford,Steve, 2010 |
ARRL Extra Class License Manual, The, ARRL, 1989 |
Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1955 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1957 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1957 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1958 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1959 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1959 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1960 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1960 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1961 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1961 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1962 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1962 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1964 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1965 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1966 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1966 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1967 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1968 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1968 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1969 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1970 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1970 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1971 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1972 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1973 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1974 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1974 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1975 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1977 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1978 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1979 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1980 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1981 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1982 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1984 |
Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1973 |
Audel's Radioman's Guide, Anderson, Edwin P., 1944 |
Weekend Projects for the Radio Amateur, Anderson, Marian S., 1979 |
ARES Field Resources Manual, ARRL, 2008 |
Mobile Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1960 |
Understanding Amateur Radio, ARRL, 1963 |
ARRL's Low Power Communication, Arland, Rich, 2009 |
ARRL Satellite Anthology: The Best of Recent QST Articles on Amateur Satellite Operation and Hardware, ARRL, 1992 |
Bassett Hand Book of Rotary Beam Design for 1939, The, Bassett, Rex, 1939 |
The Arvin Radio Diagrams, Bightman, M.N., 1947 |
How to Modernize Radios for Profit: Radio Service Boom for 1942, Beitman, Morris N., 1942 |
Most-Often-Needed 1926-1938 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1941 |
Most-Often-Needed 1950 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1950 |
Most-Often-Needed 1951 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1951 |
Most-Often-Needed 1952 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1952 |
Most-Often-Needed 1954 Television Servicing Information, Beitman, Morris N., 1954 |
Most-Often-Needed 1955 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1955 |
Most-Often-Needed 1959 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1959 |
Most-Often-Needed 1960 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1960 |
Most-Often-Needed 1965 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1965 |
Most-Often-Needed 1965 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1965 |
Most-Often-Needed 1926-38 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1938 |
Successful Radio Repairing With Available Substitute Parts, Beitman, Morris N., 1945 |
Public Address Installation and Service: Modern Methods of Servicing and Installing Public Address Equipment, Bernsley, J. T., 1934 |
Yasme: The Danny Weil and Colvin Radio Expeditions, Cain, James D., 2003 |
Morse Code: The Essential Language, Carron, L. Peter, 1990 |
Carborundum in Radio: Hook-Up Book, Carborundum Co., 1926 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, Collins, A. Frederick, 1922 |
Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942 |
Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1947 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1947 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1949 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1951 |
Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, Dellinger, J. H., 1919 |
QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1986 |
W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits for Experimenters, DeMaw, Doug, 1990 |
W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987 |
W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987 |
200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio, DeSoto, Clinton B., 2001 (1936) |
ON4UN's Low-Band DXing; with CD, Devoldere, John, 2005 |
Electronics' Engineering Manual, Electronics, 1938 |
Fundamentals of Radio, Everitt, William Littell; Jordan, Edward C., 1942 |
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Evenson, Richard Cameron.; Beach, Olen Robert, 1948 |
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 2, Evenson, R. C. and O. R. Beach, 1948 |
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 1, Evenson, R. C. and O. R. Beach, 1948 |
Amateur Radio: A Beginner's Guide, Fortune, J. Douglas, 1940 |
S. Gernsback's Radio Encyclopedia, Gernsback, Sidney, 1927 |
Radio Encyclopedia ?, Gernsback, Sidney, 1927 |
Radio Field Service Data, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1936 |
Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook ?, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1941 |
Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook ?, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1943 |
Course in Radio Fundamentals, A, Grammar, George, 1972 |
RFI Book: Practical Cures for Radio Frequency Interference, Gruber, Mike, 2007 |
50 Years of Amateur Radio Innovation, Veras, Joe, 2008 |
Principles of Radio., Henney, Keith, 1929 |
Principles of Radio, Henney, Keith, 1929 |
Radio Engineering Handbook, The, Henney, Keith, 1933 |
Radio Engineering Handbook, The, Henney, Keith, 1935 |
Basic Radio: The Essentials of Electron Tubes and Their Circuits, Hoag, J. Barton, 1942 |
Your Gateway to Packet Radio, Horzepa, Stan, 1989 |
Frequency Modulation, Hund, August, 1942 |
Antenna Engineering Handbook, Jasik, Henry, 1961 |
Jones Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1935 |
Jones Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1937 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W., 1938 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, R. L., 1946 |
ARRL DXCC Handbook, The, Kearman, James E., 2007 |
ARRL DXCC Companion, The, Kearman, James E., 1990 |
Surplus Conversion Book, Kneitel, Tom, 1964 |
Drake's Radio Cyclopedia, Manly, Harold P., 1927 |
Drake's Radio Cyclopedia, Manly, Harold P., 1931 |
Radio Projects, Marcus, Abraham, 1955 |
Packet Radio Handbook, The, Mayo, Jonathan L., 1989 |
WWARA's Pacific Northwest Repeater Directory, The, McKibbin, Mark, 1997 |
Realistic Guide to Oscilloscopes, Middleton, Robert G., 1976 |
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H Ward, 2017 |
HF Antennas for All Locations, Moxon, L. A., 1982 |
Practical Radio Communication; Principles, Systems, Equipment, Operation, Including Very High and Ultra-high Frequencies and Frequency Modulation, Nilson, Arthur Reinhold; Hornung, Julius Lawrence, 1943 |
Northwest Amateur Packet Radio Association Notebook, , 1992 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1963 |
Simple, Low-cost Wire Antennas for Radio Amateurs, Orr, William I.; Cowan, Stuart D., 1990 |
Don C. Wallace W6AM: Amateur Radio's Pioneer, Perkins, Jan David, 1991 |
Advance Class FCC License Preparation, West, Gordon, 1992 |
101 Radio Hook-Ups, Radio News, 1930 |
Television Interference, Rand, Philip S., 1952 |
RCA Transistor Manual: Technical Series SC-10, RCA, 1962 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-14, RCA, 1940 |
Magnetic Loop Antenna, Burger, Oldrich; Dvorsky, Marek, 2015 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-14, RCA, 1940 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-16, RCA, 1950 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-17, RCA, 1954 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-17, RCA, 1954 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-19, RCA, 1959 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-22, RCA, 1963 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-23, RCA, 1964 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-23, RCA, 1964 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-30, RCA, 1975 |
1939 Radio & Television Data Book, Radio News, 1939 |
Hobbyist's Guide to RTL-SDR: Really Cheap Software Defined Radio, Laufer, Carl, 2016 |
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Hayward, H; DeMaw, Doug, 1977 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, Straw, R Dean (ed), 2002 |
FM Transmission and Reception, Rider, John Francis; Uslan, Seymour Daniel, 1948 |
ARRL Antenna Book, Hall, Gerald L (ed), 1984 |
Semiconductor Source Guide, Thompson Consumer Electronics, 1990 |
ARRL Operating Manual, Halprin, Robert J, 1988 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook: A Manual for Amateur Short Wave Radiotelegraphic Communication, Handy, Francis Edward, 1926 |
QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine Vol 1,1, ARRL, 1915 |
The Electronics of Radio, Rutledge, David B, 2005 |
Radio Troubleshooting Guidebook, Vol. 1, Rider, John F.; Johnson, J. Richard, 1954 |
Robison's Manual of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony for the Use of Naval Electricians, Robison, S. S.; Todd, D. W.; Hooper, S. C., 1919 |
From Beverages Through OSCAR: A Bibliography, Rosen, Richard J., 1979 |
Modern Oscilloscopes and Their Uses, Ruiter, Jacob H., 1949 |
Tube Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1970 |
Tube Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1974 |
Tube Substitution Handbook, Vol. 3, Sams, Howard W., 1961 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook: A Manual of Amateur Short Wave Radiotelegraphic Communication, Handy, Francis Edward, 1927 |
Tube Substitution Handbook, Vol. 8, Sams, Howard W., 1964 |
Directional Antennas, Smith, Carl E., 1946 |
Amateur Radio Call Directory, United States Listings 1982-1983, Speer, Jack A.; Anand, Ashok K.; American Radio Relay League, 1983 |
Amateur Radio Call Directory, United States Listings 1982-1983, Speer, Jack A.; Anand, Ashok K.; American Radio Relay League, 1983 |
Electronic Communication, Shrader,Robert L, 1959 |
Characteristics of Sylvania Receiving Tubes, Sylvania/GTE, N.D. |
Essentials of Radio Electronics, Slurzberg, Morris, and William Osterheld, 1961 |
Shortwave DX Handbook, Stumpf-Siering, Enrico, 2005 |
Marconi's Miracle: The Wireless Bridging of the Atlantic, Tarrant, D. R., 2001 |
Radio Engineering, Terman, F. Emmons, 1932 |
Radio Engineering, Terman, F. Emmons, 1947 |
Radio Engineer's Handbook, Terman, F. Emmons, 1943 |
Radio Communication at Ultra High Frequencies, Thomson, J., 1950 |
Radio Amateur's VHF Manual, The: A Manual of Amateur Radio Communication on the Frequencies Above 50 Megacycles, Tilton, Edward P., 1965 |
Radio Transmitters and Carrying Currents, MacIlvain, K.M. and Freedman, W.H., 1926 |
Radio Amateur's VHF Manual, The: A Manual of Amateur Radio Communication on the Frequencies Above 50 Megacycles, Tilton, Edward P., 1972 |
ARRL DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2018 |
Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, United States Government, 1928 |
Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce, Radio Division, 1931 |
Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce, Radio Division, 1931 |
Federal Radio Commission Rules and Regulations, United States Government, 1934 |
Radio Fundamentals ?, U.S. War Department, 1944 |
Radio Set Analyzers and How to Use Them, Van der Mel, L. [Martin, Louis], 1931 |
ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2004 |
Teletype Manual No. 11, War Department, 1943 |
Tune in the World with Ham Radio, Wolfgang, Larry; Mark J. Wilson; Bruce S. Hale, 1987 |
Tune in the World with Ham Radio, Wolfgang, Larry; et al., 1989 |
Principles of Radio Communication, Morecroft, J. H.; Pinto, A.; Curry, W. A., 1921 |
Radio Measurements, Dart, Harry F; Hanson, E H, 1928 |
Radio Manual for Radio Engineers, Inspectors, Students, Operators and Radio Fans, The, Sterling, George, 1940 |
How to Become a Wireless Operator, Hayward, Charles B., 1918 |
Modern Radio Servicing, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1935 |
Superheterodyne Book: All About Superheterodynes, Fitch, Clyde, 1932 |
Father of Radio: The Autobiography of Lee de Forest, de Forest, Lee, 1950 |
Radio Up to the Minute, with Questions and Answers, Nilson, Arthur, 1927 |
Radio News Short-wave Handbook, Cockaday, Laurence M.; Hlze, Walter H., 1933 |
Meter at Work, The, Rider, John Francis, 1940 |
Menlo Park Reminiscences, Jehl, Francis, 1938 |
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Wardm, 2017 |
NOS intro: TCP/IP over packet radio ?, Wade, Ian,, 1992 |
Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1945 |
Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1947 |
Stormspotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, M; Morris, V, 2010 |
New Sideband Handbook, The, Stoner, Don, 1958 |
Dictionary of Electronic Terms, A, Partridge, Gordon R., 1956 |
Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Sands, Leo G.; Mackenroth, Donald R., 1975 |
Transistor Circuits, Adams, Thomas M., 1962 |
Radio Frequency Amplification: Theory and Practice, HC, 1924 |
Radio Amateur's Digital Communications Handbook, The, Mayo, Jonathan L., 1992 |
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio, Lewis, Tom, 1991 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs 2002, The, ARRL, 2001 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
World of Ham Radio, 1901-1950, Bartlett, Richard A., 2007 |
Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, Michael; Morris, Victor, 2010 |
Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1998 |
World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion, Spahr, Lisa L.; Camacho, Austin, 2008 |
Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Hutchinson, C. L.; Dickinson, Robert.; DeMaw, Doug, 1981 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 7, ARRL, 2002 |
Basic Radio: Understanding the Key Building Blocks, Hallas, Joel R., 2009 |
Understanding Basic Electronics, Wolfgang, Larry D., 2006 |
Understanding Basic Electronics, Banzhaf, Walter, 2010 |
ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008 |
ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008 |
Radio Frequency Interference: How to Find It and Fix It, Hare, Ed; Schetgen, Robert, 1991 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2003 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1991 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1995 |
ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2002 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1959 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 1, ARRL, 1985 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 2, ARRL, 1989 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 3, ARRL, 1992 |
ARRL Repeater Directory 2010-2011, Desktop Ed., ARRL, 2010 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1963 |
International Antenna Collection, Brown, George, 2003 |
Practical Antenna Handbook (CD missing), Carr, Joseph J., 1998 |
Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement, Carr, Joseph J., 2002 |
FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1972 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1999 |
Now You're Talking!, Wolgang, Larry, 1997 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1942 |
ARRL's Low Power Communication, Arland, Rich, 2009 |
Solid State Basics for the Radio Amateur, DeMaw, Doug; Jay Rusgrove, 1978 |
Ham Radio Operator's Guide, Bergquist, Carl, 2001 |
W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits for Experimenters, DeMaw, Doug, 1990 |
FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2017 |
Power Supply Handbook, Fielding, John, 2006 |
Digital Electronics: A Workbench Guide to Circuits, Experiments and Applications, Genn, Robert C., 1982 |
The ARRL Satellite Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008 |
Hello World, a Life in Ham Radio, Gregory, Danny; Sahre, Paul, 2003 |
Simple and Fun Antennas for Hams, Hutchison, Chuck, 2002 |
Workbench Guide to Electronic Troubleshooting, Genn, Robert C., 1977 |
Experimental Methods in RF Design, Hayward, Wes; Rick Campbell; Bob Larkin, 2003 |
Ham Radio for Dummies, Silver, Ward, 2004 |
N0AX's Radio Puzzler, Silver, H. Ward, 2001 |
More QRP Power, Wilson, Mark; Shelly Bloom; Jodi Morin, 2006 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1958 |
Marconi's Secret, Browne, Susan Chalker, 2001 |
Carl & Jerry, Volume 1: 1954-1956, Frye, John T., 2007 |
Carl & Jerry, Volume 2: 1957-1958, Frye, John T., 2007 |
Carl & Jerry, Volume 3: 1959-1960, Frye, John T., 2007 |
CQ Ghost Ship, Tompkins, Walker A., 1971 |
Grand Canyon QSO, Tompkins, Walker A., 1987 |
Disappearing Act, Wall, Cynthia, 1996 |
Firewatch!, Wall, Cynthia.; Somerville, Sheila, 1993 |
Hostage in the Woods, Wall, Cynthia, 1990 |
Night Signals, Wall, Cynthia, 1989 |
A Spark to the Past, Wall, Cynthia, 1998 |
Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, Yakima, WA, September 3-4, 1932, Yakima Amateur Radio Club, 1932 |
Convention, ARRL Sixth National, Seattle, WA, July 27-29, 1951, ARRL, 1951 |
Radio Club of Tacoma: The Early Years (50th anniversary scrapbook), Chavis K7AMJ, Margie, 2008 |
1992 Motley Group Directory 3.933 mhz, Motley Group, 1992 |
Convention, ARRL NW Division, Tacoma Hotel, Aug 29-30, 1931, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1931 |
Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 22-23, 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987 |
Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 22-23, 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987 |
Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 19-20, 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989 |
Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 19-20, 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989 |
Field Day June 25-26, 2005, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2005 |
Rosterbook 1966, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1966 |
Rosterbook 1967-68, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1967 |
Ham Fair 1972, August 19-20, 1972, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1972 |
Ham Fair 1973, August 18-19, 1973, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1973 |
HamFair 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974 |
HamFair 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974 |
HamFair 1975, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1975 |
HamFair 1976, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1976 |
Introduction to Radio Frequency Design, Hayward, Wes, 2004 |
HamFair 1977, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1977 |
HamFair 1978, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1978 |
HamFair 1979, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979 |
HamFair 1980, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1980 |
HamFair 1981, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1981 |
HamFair 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982 |
HamFair 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982 |
HamFair 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983 |
HamFair 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983 |
HamFair 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984 |
HamFair 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984 |
HamFair 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985 |
HamFair 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986 |
HamFair 1988, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1988 |
Rosterbook 1971, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1971 |
Rosterbook 1972, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1972 |
Rosterbook 1973, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1973 |
Rosterbook 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974 |
Rosterbook 1975, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1975 |
Rosterbook 1976, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1976 |
Rosterbook 1977, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1977 |
Rosterbook 1978, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1978 |
Rosterbook 1979, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979 |
Rosterbook 1980, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1980 |
Rosterbook 1981, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1981 |
Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982 |
Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982 |
Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982 |
Rosterbook 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983 |
Rosterbook 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983 |
Rosterbook 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984 |
Rosterbook 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985 |
Rosterbook 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985 |
Rosterbook 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986 |
Rosterbook 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986 |
Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987 |
Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987 |
Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987 |
Rosterbook 1988: In memory Al Stenso, Charter Officer, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1988 |
Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989 |
Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989 |
Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989 |
Rosterbook 1990, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1990 |
Hamfest, Washington State, July 12-13, 1969, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1969 |
Annual Awards Banquet, December 5, 2009, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2009 |
Annual Awards Banquet, December 5, 2009, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2009 |
Photo Archive Book 1 A-C, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
RCT 1940s & 1950s photos, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Mixed Photos, Some 1980s, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
1914-1939 Members, Shacks, Conventions, and Banquets Book 7 W-Y, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2014, The, AR, 2013 |
Photo Archive Book 2 D-G, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Photo Archive Book 3 H-L, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Photo Archive Book 4 M-O, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Photo Archive Book 5 P-S, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Photo Archive Book 6 T-Z, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Antique Radio Museum and Fair, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
First Tacoma Station; 1970s & 1971 Homecoming photos, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
W7DK Silent Keys, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008 |
Annual Awards Banquet December 14, 2014, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2014 |
Electronic Prototype Construction, Kasten, Stephen D., 1983 |
ARRL Section Manager's Survival Guide, Maass, Jeff; Hurder, Luck, 1988 |
Radar Electronic Fundamentals, Navships, 1944 |
All About Cubical Quad Antennas, Orr, William I., 1959 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1968-1978 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1968-1978 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974-1978 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974-1978 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979-1983 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979-1983 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989-1993 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989-1993 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1994-1998 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1999-2003 |
Convention, ARRL NW Division, Portland, OR, Aug 18-19, 1933, Rose City ARC, Rose City Amateur Radio Club, 1933 |
Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong, Lessing, Lawrence, 1969 |
Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong, Lessing, Lawrence, 1969 |
Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2015 |
Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2015 |
Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment 1946-1980, Miller, Jay H., 1995 |
Understanding Your Antenna Analyzer, Hallas, Joel, 2013 |
Get on the Air With HF Digital, Ford, Steve, 2011 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, , 1990 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2003 |
History of Radio to 1926, Archer, Gleason L., 1938 |
Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2011 |
The ARRL Guide to Antenna Tuners, Hallas, Joel R., 2010 |
Emergency Power for Radio Communications, Bryce, Michael, 2011 |
Low Profile Amateur Radio, Brogdon, Al, 2009 |
Oscilloscopes for Radio Amateurs, Danzer, Paul, 2015 |
Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur, Hopengarten, Fred, 2001 |
Antenna Engineering Handbook, Weeks, W. L., 1968 |
HF Vertical Performance: Test Methods and Results, Silver, Ward; Morris, Steve, 2000 |
HF Tribander Performance: Test Methods and Results, Silver, Ward; Morris, Steve, 1999 |
Secrets of RF Circuit Design, Carr, Joseph J., 1991 |
Electronic Circuits Manual, Markus, John, 1980 |
Radio Propagation: Principles and Practice, Poole, Ian, 2004 |
VHF-UHF Manual, Evans, D. S.; Jessop, G. R., 1976 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith W. W., 1938 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1962 |
ARRL Introduction to Emergency Communication Course, ARRL, 2011 |
Personal Emergency Communications, Baze, Andrew, 2012 |
Transistor Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1963 |
The Quad Antenna, Haviland, Bob, 1993 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1959 |
Communications Receivers: 1942-1997, Osterman, Fred, 1998 |
The Complete DX'r, Locher, Bob, 1983 |
Amateur Radio Transceiver Performance Testing, Allison, Bob, 2013 |
The ARRL Guide to Antenna Tuners, Hallas, Joel R., 2010 |
Mil Spec Radio Gear Vol 2, Francis, Mark, 2009 |
Amateur Radio Operating Manual, Eckersley, R. J., 1985 |
Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1993 |
Beam Antenna Handbook, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1990 |
Electronic Circuits Manual, Markus, John, 1971 |
HF Antenna Collection, David, Erwin, 1991 |
Image Communications Handbook, Taggart, Ralph E., 2002 |
The ARRL Electronics Data Book, DeMaw, Doug, 1988 |
Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis, Chuck, 1999 |
Amateur Radio Encyclopedia, Gibilisco, Stan, 1994 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1983 |
Semiconductor Reference Handbook, Archer, Gleason L, 1977 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Volume 1, The, ARRL, 1985 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 2, ARRL, 1989 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 3, ARRL, 1992 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 6, ARRL, 1999 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 4, ARRL, 1995 |
ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 5, ARRL, 1996 |
More ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, ARRL, 2002 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1989 |
The Complete DX'er, Locher, Bob, 2003 |
Lefax Radio Handbook, Dellinger, J. H.; Whittenmore, L. E., 1922 |
Emergency Power for Radio Communications, Bryce, Michael, 2011 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1992 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2000 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2011 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017 |
Clandestine Radio Operators, The, Perquin, Jean-Louis, 2011 |
Array of Light: Straight Talk About Antennas and Related Information, Schiller, T.H., 1996 |
Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement, Carr, Joseph J., 2002 |
Oscilloscopes for Radio Amateurs, Danzer, Paul, 2015 |
Reference Data for Radio Engineers, Westman, H.P., 1973 |
Propagation and Radio Science: Exploring the Magic of Wireless Communication, Nichols, Eric P., 2015 |
DXCC Companion, Kearman, James E, 1990 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2016, The, ARRL, 2015 |
ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2015 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2015 |
Antenna Physics: An Introduction, Zavrel, Robert J Jr, 2016 |
Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2015 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1976 |
Radio Amateur Call Book Magazine, , 1957 |
FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2017 |
A History of QST Volume 1: Amateur Radio Technology, Silver, Ward, 2013 |
A History of QST Volume 2: Advertising 1915-2013, Veras, Joe, 2013 |
Modern Amateur's Mobile Handbook, The, Ingram, Dave, 1991 |
Radios To Go!, Ford, Steve, 2012 |
Your Mobile Companion, Birch, Roger, 1995 |
ON4UN's Low-Band DXing, Devoldere, John, 2005 |
W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987 |
W1FB's QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1999 |
QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1989 |
First Steps in Radio, DeMaw, Doug, 1985 |
Managing Interstation Interference, Cutsogeorge, George, 2009 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2014, The, ARRL, 2013 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2009 |
Amateur Radio Transceiver Performance Testing, Allison, Bob, 2013 |
RF Amplifier Classics, Ford, Steve, 2004 |
Troubleshooting Antennas and Feedlines, Tyrrell, Rlaph, 1992 |
Arduino for Ham Radio, Popiel, Glen, 2014 |
Circuitbuilding for Dummies, Silver, H. Ward, 2008 |
ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 1, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014 |
Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook, The, Corey, Michael; Schoenfeld, Becky Rodia, 2012 |
Personal Emergency Communications, Baze, Andrew, 2012 |
ARRL's Hands-On Radio Experiments, Silver, H. Ward, 2008 |
ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 2, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014 |
Propagation and Radio Science, Nichols, Eric P., 2015 |
ARRL Handbook CD 2012, ARRL, 2012 |
ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 3, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014 |
Operator's Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Handbook, Laughter, Victor H, 1918 |
Weather Satellite Handbook, Taggart, Ralph E, 1996 |
Getting Started in Electronics, Mims III, Forrest M, 1983 |
Radio Amateur's Satellite Handbook, Davidhoff, Martin R, 2003 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2016 |
Everyman's Guide to Radio, Vol 2, Yates, Raymond Fracis, Ed., 1926 |
Ham Radio FAQ, Alvareztorrez, Al, Comp, 2001 |
QRP Classics, Schetgen, Bob, 1990 |
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Hayward, Wes; DeMaw, Doug, 1977 |
QST Magazine archives at RCT, RCT, 1915-2005 |
Work the World With JT65 and JT9, Ford, Steve, 2017 |
ARRL Operating Manual, The, Wilson, Mark J, ed, 2016 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2017, The; with CD, ARRL, 2016 |
Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs, Daso, Don, 2016 |
The Radio Amateur's Workshop: Your DIY Guide for Ham Homebrewing, Hallas, Joel R., 2015 |
ComTrain's Tribute to Safety, Wilcox, Winton W., 2013 |
Work the World With JT65 and JT9, Ford, Steve, 2017 |
ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2016 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The; with CD, ARRL, 2015 |
Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs, Daso, Don, 2016 |
The Radio Amateur's Workshop: Your DIY Guide for Ham Homebrewing, Hallas, Joel R., 2015 |
Build Your Own Transistor Radios, Quan, Ronald, 2013 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2010 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2015 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017 |
Comtrain's Tribute to Safety, Wilcox, Winton W., 2013 |
Extra Class: Amateur Radio Element 4, West, Gordon, 2008 |
A Mariner's Guide to Radio Facsimile Weathercharts, Bishop, Joseph M, 1991 |
Ham Radio Made Easy, Ford, Steve, 1995 |
The ARRL Operating Manual: Everything for the Active Ham, Danzer, Paul, ed, 1998 |
Electric Heating, Roth, Willard, 1939 |
Your Mobile Companion, Burch, Roger, 1995 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2010 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The CD, ARRL, 2015 |
Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017 |
Handbook for Radio Communications, The; Companion CD, ARRL, 2017 |
Annual Awards Banquet, November 26, 2017, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2017 |
Annual Awards Banquet, November 26, 2017, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2017 |
The Electronics of Radio, Rutledge, David B., 1999 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The; with CD, ARRL, 2006 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The; with CD, ARRL, 2003 |
ARR DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2018 |
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Ward, 2017 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2007 |
Radio Telephony for Amateurs, ballantine, Stuart, 1922 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-?, RCA, 1947 |
Radio for the Millions (Popular Science 1945 reprint), Popular Science Monthly, 1989 |
Technical Manual:Sylvania Radio Tubes, Sylvania, 1953 |
Essential Characteristics: Receiving, Picture, Special PurposeTubes, General Electric, Owensboro |
Batteries in a Portable World, Buchmann, Isidor, 2001 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1974 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2003 |
50 Years of Radio Craft: Jubilee Souvenir, Gernsback, Hugo, ed, 1987 |
Scientific Apparatus of Nicholas Callan and other Historic Instruments, The, Mollan,;Upton,J, 1994 |
Annual Awards Banquet, December 11, 2016, Radio Club of Tacoma, 42715 |
?, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1962 |
Annual Awards Banquet December 2, 2018 Radio Club of Tacoma 2018, RCT, 2018 |
Rosterbook 1969, RCT, 1969 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018 |
1934 Official Short Wave Radio Manual, Gernsback, Hugo, 1987 (1934) |
Radio Instruments and Measurements, National Bureau of Standards, 1937 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1997 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1997 |
Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis, Chuck, 1995 |
Simplified Practical Filter Design, Gottlieg, Irvin, 1990 |
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Wes Hatward; Doug DeMaw, 1986 |
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Wes Hatward; Doug DeMaw, 1997 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Huntoon, John, 1968 |
Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, Huntoon, John, 1942 |
Power Supplies Explained, Lee, Paul, 2018 |
Shortwave Receivers Past and Present, Osterman, Fred, 1997 |
ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug, 1976 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2004 |
Best of Idea Exchange, The (QRP Quarterly), Czuhajewski, Mike; Mike Michaels, 2013 |
Solid State Basics for the Radio Amateur, DeMaw, Doug; Jay Rusgrove, 1978 |
Power Supplies Explained, Lee, Paul, 2018 |
Simple, Low-cost Wire Antennas for Radio Amateurs, Orr, William I., 1972 |
W6SAI HF Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1996 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2015, The, ARRL, 2014 |
Antennas: Selection, Installation and Projects, Evans, Alvis J.; Britain, Kent E., 1998 |
The Complete DX'er, Locher, Bob, 2003 |
The ARRL Repeater Directory 2019 Edition, ARRL, 2018 |
73 Dipole and Long-wire Antennas, Noll, Edward M., 1969 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968 |
The Technicians's Radio Receiver Handbook, Carr, Joseph J., 2001 |
The Radio Handbook, Orr, William I., 1987 |
The Cathode-Ray Tube: Technology, History, and Applications, Keller, Peter A., 1991 |
Radio Communication Handbook, Tebbit, J. E.; Wiles, A. D., 1968 |
ARRL Handbook CD, ARRL, 2014 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968 |
Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968 |
ON4UN\'s Low-Band DXing, ON4UN, 2000 |
Ham Radio, Tenney, Jr W1NLB, 1990 |
Ham Radio Magaxine, Tenny, Jr. W1NLB, 1990 |
New Shortwave Propagation Handbook, The, Jacobs, George; Cohen, Theodore J.; Rose, Robert B., 1995 |
Annual Awards Banquet, December 2, 2018, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2018 |
Boy Who Invented Television,The, Schatzkin, Paul, 2002 |
Tesla: Man Out of Time, Cheney, Margaret, 1981 |
Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R., 2008 |
Antenna Handbook, U.S. Marine Corps, 1999 |
Inductance Calculations, Grover, Frederick W., 2009 |
Electronics Math Simplified, Volume 1, Andrews, Alan, 1961 |
All About Cubical Quad Antennas, Orr, William I., 1959, 1959 |
Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified, Moell, Joseph D.; Curlee, Thomas N., 1987 |
ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug, 1976 |
Master Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Clifford, Martin, 1984 |
Inductance Calculations, Grover, Frederick W., 2004 |
Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Howard W. Sams, comp, 1979 |
Tube Sustitution Guidebook, Middleton, H. A., 1979 |
New Shortwave Propagation Handbook, The, Jacobs, George; Theodore J Cohen; Robert B. Rose, 2011 |
Telegraphy Wireless and Wire, Kirkpatrick, O B, 1947 |
Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur: Your Power Sources in the 21st Century, Bruninga, Bob, 2019 |
QRP Classics, Schetgen, Bob, 1990 |
ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2010 |
Radio Physics Course, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1942 (1933) |
Beverage Antenna Handbook, The, Misek, Victor A., 1977 |
More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, Hutchinson, Chuck, 2010 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Wolfgang, Larry, 2000 |
Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1965 |
200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio, DeSoto, Clinton B., 1981 (1936) |
Vertical Antenna Classics, Schetgen, Robert, 1999 |
ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug , 1976 |
W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987 |
ARRL\'s Wire Antenna Classics, Hutchinson, Chuck, comp., 2002 |
Tacoma Screw Products, TacomaScrew, N.D. |
Grainger Reference Guide No. 410, Grainger, 2019 |
The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Guidebook, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014 |
The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 1, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014 |
The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 2, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014 |
The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 3, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014 |
The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 4, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014 |
Signor Marconi's Magic Box, Weightman, Gavin, 2003 |
Programming Amateur Radios with Chirp, Schell, Brian, 2018 |
Handheld Radio Field Guide, Cornwall, Andrew, 2018 |
Transmission Lines ?, Sevick, Jerry, 2001 |
VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs, Taylor, Jonathan, 2017 |
ARRL\'s Best of The Doctor Is In, Vol. 1, Halas, Joel, 2017 |
International Transistor Substitution Guidebook, Pullen, Jr., Keats A., 1961 |
First-Class Radiotelephone License Handbook, Noll, Edward M., 1966 |
Sylvania Technical Manual, Sylvania, N.D. |
Electronic Troubleshooting Guidebook, The, Editors of Electronic Technician/Dealer, 1968 |
Electronic Circuit Directory, Philco-Ford Technical Education Program, 1953 |
RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-?, RCA, 1971 |
New RTTY Handbook, Kretzman, Byron H., 1962 |
Advanced Class Radio Amateur FCC Test Manual, Schwartz, Martin, 1985 |
Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R. , 2016 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1978 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 5, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 6, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
Amateur Single Sideband, Collins Radio Company, 1977 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The: Special Defense Edition, ARRL, 1942 |
ARRL Ham Radio Operating Guide, White, Ellen, 1976 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, Wilson, Mark J., 2019 |
ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, Wilson, Mark J., 2019 |
Radio Angels, Stack, Paul Jerome, 1978 |
Beam Antenna Handbook, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1976 |
Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1970 |
Know Your Square-wave and Pulse Generators, Middleton, Robert G., 1965 |
Operating an Amateur Radio Station, ARRL, 1968 |
Operating an Amateur Radio Station, ARRL, 1976 |
Understanding Amateur Radio, Rusgrove, Jay; DeMaw, Doug; Grammer, George, 1977 |
Electrical Measurements in Theory and Application, Smith, Arthur Whitmore, 1934 |
Electrical Measurements and Their Applications, Michels, Walter C., 1957 |
Golden Years of Radio, The, Ham Radio Publishing Group, 1978 |
Amateur Radio: Theory and Practice, Shrader, Robert L., 1982 |
ABC's of Ham Radio, Pyle, Howard S., 1968 |
First Steps in Radio, DeMaw, Doug, 1985 |
Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, Davidoff, Martin R., 1990 |
Amateur Radio Encyclopedia, Gibilisco, Stan, 1994 |
AMECO Code Course, AMECO, N.D. |
Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1922 |
Fast Track to Understanding Ham Radio Propagation, The, Burnett, Michael, 2018 |
Fast Track to Mastering Extra Class Ham Radio Math, The, Burnett, Michael, 2018 |
Fast Track to Your Extra Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2017 |
Fast Track to Your Technician Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2014 |
Fast Track to Your General Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2019 |
Everything You Forgot to Ask About HF Mobileering, Johnson, D. K., 1997 |
Your Ham Antenna Companion: A Guide to Understanding and Building Antennas, Danzer, Paul, 1995 |
Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified, Moell, Joseph D.; Curlee, Thomas N., 1987 |
More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, Hutchinson, Chuck, 2012 |
Analysis and Design of Transistor Circuits, Cowles, Laurence G., 1966 |
Microphones, Clifford, Martin, 1986 |
Ferrite Applications, Johnson, Alan K., 1991 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Budlong, A. L., 1949 |
Amateur Single Sideband, Collins Radio Company, 1962 |
Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1998 |
HF Amateur Radio, Poole, Ian, 2007 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Ford, Steve, 2015 |
Communications Receivers: The Vacuum Tube Era 1932-1981, Moore, Raymond S., 1991 |
ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebook, The, Shetgen, Bob, 1991 |
Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, Nelson, Herbert J., 1968 |
QRP Basics, Dobbs, George, 2003 |
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Hutchinson, Charles; Newkirk, David, 1989 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1955 |
Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Duncan, Rudolph L.; Drew, Charles E., 1931 |
Short Waves, Leutz, Charles R.; Gable, Robert B., 1930 |
Amateur Radio Techniques, Hawker, Pat, 1970 |
Transistor Circuit Design: First Course (Heathkit Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983 |
Transistor Circuit Design: Second Course (Heathkit Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983 |
Digital Circuit Design: Volume 1 (Heath Zenith), Staugaard, Andrew C.; Larsen, Lawrence P., 1985 |
Digital Circuit Design: Volume 2 (Heath Zenith), Staugaard, Andrew C.; Larsen, Lawrence P., 1985 |
Passive Circuit Design (Heath Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983 |
Linear Circuits (Heath Zenith), Noll, Edward M., 1981 |
TTL and CMOS Circuits, Noll, Edward M., 1981 |
Operational Amplifiers (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979/1984 ? |
Active Filters (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979 |
Phased-locked Loops (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979 |
IC Timers (Heath Zenith), Howard W. Sams, 1979 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
How to Build Hidden Limited-Space Antennas That Work, Traister, Robert J., 1981 |
Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2018 |
Radio Science for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2013 |
Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners, Grant, Doug, 2019 |
Amateur Radio Satellites for Beginners, Ford, Steve, 2020 |
Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, Michael, 2020 |
Radio Amateur's License Manual, ARRL, 1952 |
Radio Handbook, The, Radio Magazine, 1935 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1934 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1935 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, Handy, Francis Edward, 1927 |
Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1932 |
Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, Department of Commerce, 1926 |
International Amateur Radio Call Book, International Call Book Co., 1925 |
QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine Vol 1,1, Maxim, Hiram Percy; Tuska, Clarence, 1915 |
QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine: Fortieth Anniversary Reproduction, Maxim, Hiram Percy; Tuska, Clarence, 1955 (1915) |
QST 2,2, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,3, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,4, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,5, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,7, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,8, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,9, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 2,10, ARRL, 1917 |
QST 9,12, ARRL, 1925 |
QST 15,2, ARRL, 1928 |
QST 15,11, ARRL, 1931 |
QST 24,5, ARRL, 1940 |
QST 25,6, ARRL, 1941 |
QST 43,5, ARRL, 1959 |
QST 48,1, ARRL, 1964 |
Pacific Radio News, San Francisco Radio Club, 1917 |
Wireless Age, The, Radio Communication, 1916 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
History of the Radio Club of Tacoma, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020 |
Transmission Lines Explained, Parkin, Mike, 2019 |
Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2019 |
Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2018 |
A History of QST Volume 1: Amateur Radio Technology, Silver, Ward, 2013 |
ARRL Antenna Book, One Volume Edition, Silver, Ward, 2019 |
ABC of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Trevert, Edward, 1911 |
Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1914 |
Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1918 |
Elements of Radiotelegraphy, Stone, Ellery W., 1919 |
Experimental wireless stations: their theory, design, construction and operation, Edelman, Philip E., 1916 |
How to Make a Wireless Set, Moreton, David Penn, 1911 |
How to Make a Wireless Set, Moreton, David Penn, 1911 |
Oscillation Valve: The Elementary Principles of its Application to Wireless, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1919 |
Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1917 |
Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1921 |
Principles of Radiotelegraphy, Jansky, Cyril Methodius, 1919 |
Principles of Radio Communication, Morecroft, John H. (John Harold), 1921 |
Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, Pierce, George Washington, 1910 |
Radio instruments and measurements: Issued March 23, 1918, United States. National Bureau of Standards, 1918 |
Radiotelegraphy, Monckton, C. C. F., 1908 |
Radiotelegraphy. U. S. Signal Corps., U.S. Signal Office, 1914 |
Story of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Story, Alfred Thomas, 1904 |
Radiotelegraphy: U. S. Signal Corps., United States. Army. Signal Corps., 1916 |
?etheric or Wireless Telegraphy, Blaine, Robert Gordon, 1902 |
Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications, The, Van der Bijl, H. J. (Hendrik Johannes), 1920 |
Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, United States. Army. Signal Corps; United States. National Bureau of Standards, 1919 |
Vacuum tubes in wireless communication, a practical text book etc. , Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1919 |
Wireless course in twenty lessons, Secor, Harry Winfield; Gernsback, Sidney; Lescarboura, Austin C. (Celestin), 1912 |
Wireless experimenter\'s manual, The etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1920 |
Wireless operators\' pocketbook of information and diagrams, The, Bishop, L. Wilbur, 1911 |
Wireless telegraphy, Eichhorn, Gustav, 1906 |
Wireless telegraphist\'s pocket book of notes, formulæ, and calculations, The, Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1915 |
Robison's Manual of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony for the Use of Naval Electricians, Robison, S. S. (Samuel Shelburne), 1918 |
Marconi, The Man and His Wireless, Dunlap, Orrin Elmer, 1937 |
Thermionic Valve and Its Developments in Radio-telegraphy and Telephony, The, Fleming, John Ambrose, 1919 |
Vacuum tubes in wireless communication: a practical textbook etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1918 |
Manual of the Marconi Institute for Training in Radio Communications etc., Radio Institute of America, 1918 |
Wireless telegraphy and telephony simply explained etc., Morgan, Alfred Powell, 1913 |
Wireless telegraphy and Hertzian waves, Bottone, Selimo Romeo, 1910 |
Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony etc., Ashley, Charles Grinnell; Hayward, Charles Brian, 1912 |
Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1917 |
Wireless telegraphy, Fortescue, Cecil Lewis, 1913 |
Wireless telegraphy: its origins, development, inventions, and apparatus, Sewall, Charles Henry, 1903 |
Wireless telegraphy, Zenneck, Jonathan Adolf Wilhelm; Seelig, Alfred E., 1915 |
An Elementary Manual of Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony for Students etc., Fleming, John Ambrose, 1916 |
An Elementary Manual of Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony for Students etc., Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1911 |
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1905 |
A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-1899 etc., Fahie, J. J. (John Joseph), 1899 |
A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-1899 etc., Fahie, J. J. (John Joseph), 1901 |
Practical Uses of the Wave Meter in Wireless Telegraphy, Mauborgne, Joseph Oswald, 1913 |
Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, United States. National Bureau of Standards; Army. Signal Corps; Ould, Richard S, 1922 |
Radio Engineering Principles, Lauer, Henri; Brown, Harry L., 1920 |
Signalling Across Space Without Wires. Being a Description of the Work of Hertz , Lodge, Oliver, 1911 |
Signalling Across Space Without Wires. Being a Description of the Work of Hertz , Lodge, Oliver, 1900 |
Thermionic Tubes in Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Scott-Taggart, John, 1921 |
Thermionic Tubes in Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Scott-Taggart, John, 1921 |
A Treatise Upon Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, Hoppough, C. I., 1912 |
The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy: A Manual for Learning [CW], etc., Pierpont, William G., 2002 |
Wood\'s Plan of Telegraphic Instruction, etc., Wood, Orrin S., 1865 |
Radio Amateur's Hand Book, The, A. Frederick Collins, 1957 |
Wireless telegraph construction for amateurs, Morgan, Alfred Powell, 1914 |
VHF Handbook, Orr, William I.; Johnson, H. G., 1956 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1978 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1972 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1972 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1967 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1959 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1949 |
Radio Handbook, The, Moyer, James A.; Wostrel John F., 1931 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1956 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Frank L. Jones, 1938 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W., 1939 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1940 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1941 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1942 |
Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1946 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, Ray L., 1947 |
Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1936 |
Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, Ray L., 1951 |
Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1962 |
Complete Idiot\'s Guide to DX, The, Gregg, Stuart, 1981 |
VHF for the Radio Amateur, Jones, Frank C., 1961 |
Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1970 |
Ham and CB Antenna Dimension Charts, Noll, Edward; M., 1970 |
More Arduino for Ham Radio, Popiel, Glen, 2021 |
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Ward, 2021 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2022, The, ARRL, 2021 |
ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2022, The, ARRL, 2021 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1974 |
ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1960 |
Build Your Own Transistor Radios, Quan, Ronald, 2013 |
Secrets of RF Circuit Design, Carr, Joseph J., 2001 |
Antennas: Selection and Installation, Evans, Alvis J. , 1986 |
Amateur Radio Equipment Fundamentals, Helfrick, Albert D., 1982 |
Electronics: A Self-teaching Guide, Kybett, Harry, 1986 |
Raspberry Pi Explained for Radio Amateurs, Richards, Mike, 2020 |
Care and Feeding of Transmission Lines, The, Hallas, Joel R., 2012 |
Care and Feeding of Transmission Lines, The, Hallas, Joel R., 2012 |
Magic Band Antennas for Ham Radio, Walker, Bruce, 2019 |
Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE, Klotz, Leigh L., 2013 |
FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2021 |
FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2021 |
Microcontroller Projects for Amateur Radio, Purdom, Jack; Peter, Albert, 2020 |
ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2021 |
ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2021 |
International Antennas ?, Appleyard, Stephen, 2017 |
Your First Amateur Radio HF Station, Ford, Steve, 2014 |
ARRL\'s Even More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 3, ARRL, 2017 |
HF Dipole Antennas for Amateur Radio, ARRL, 2019 |
SDR: Software Defined Radio, Barron, Andrew , 2019 |
Handbook of Electron Tube and Vacuum Techniques, Rosebury, Fred, 1965 |
RF Exposure and You, Hare, Ed, 1998 |
RF Exposure and You, Hare, Ed, 2003 |
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 2, Evenson, Richard Cameron.; Beach, Olen Robert, 1948 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2003, ARRL, 2002 |
Tesla: Master of Lightning, Cheney, Margaret; Uth, Robert; Glenn, Jim, 1999 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2023, ARRL, 2022 |
ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2023, ARRL, 2022 |
22 Radio Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius , Petruzzellis, Thomas , N.D. |