
Club meetings are either hybrid, being held both at the clubhouse and on Zoom, or they are held only via Zoom.  Below, you will find links to each of the Zoom meetings, but those links are not active until shortly before the meeting.  If you see error "404 - Article not found", please try again closer to meeting time.

Program materials from past meetings

Some are available, to members, on this website -- log in and see Subcategories, below.


RCT members may gather on a Discord server for text and voice chat at any time.  The Discord meeting invitiation can be viewed HERE.



Regular Meetings are normally held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Eagles South Tacoma #2933, 7037 S. Pine Street (MAP).

The facility's doors open at noon.  Meetings will start at 1PM and will adjourn before 3PM.


The Radio Club of Tacoma holds a hybrid (in person and on Zoom) meeting for the general membership once each month.

For most regular meetings, the Zoom session begins earlier, to allow for pre-meeting socializing.  Instructions for joining the Zoom session can be viewed HERE starting 30 minutes before meeting time.

There will be an entertaining program presented at most meetings.

RCT regular meetings are open to all interested folks -- you don't have to be an amateur radio operator or a member to attend.

Regular Meeting Programs

We're always looking for interesting topics and speakers for our regular membership meetings. Meeting programs usually feature a subject relating to amateur radio that's entertaining, educational, and of general interest to club members and visitors. If you have an idea for a club meeting, please contact the club president or any club officer.

Especially significant regular membership meetings

  • During the regular membership meeting in September, the Nominating Committee presents a slate of candidates for the upcoming election in November (officer and director seats with terms ending this calendar year).  Additional nominations from the floor will be accepted at this meeting.
  • During the regular membership meeting in October, nominations from the floor will be accepted for officer and director seats with terms ending this calendar year.  This is the last opportunity to be nominated to run in the November election.  Ballots will be mailed shortly after this meeting.
  • The regular membership meeting in November is the Annual Meeting. Ballots received prior to the opening gavel will be counted, and officers and directors are elected for 2-year terms beginning in the next calendar year.
  • Special meetings may be called at any time during the year, with advance notice to the membership, whenever Bylaws modifications are to be voted on.


The 4th Wednesday of each month is an occasion for a technical presentation or group activity, usually on a particular topic.  These normally begin at 7PM and run for one to two hours, depending on the program.  The topic for the next 4WAN is announced on our HOME page.  These meetings are held on Zoom and, in the case of a hands-on presentation, in the clubhouse Classroom.  Instructions for joining the Zoom session can be viewed HERE starting at 6:30 PM.


Officers and directors meet regularly on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  With notice, the Board may also convene a Special Meeting at other times.  These meetings are held in the clubhouse Classroom.  Club members are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom.  Log in to this site to view instructions for joining the Zoom session HERE, starting 30 minutes before meeting time.

Page updated:  3/5/2025

© 2025 Radio Club of Tacoma, hosted by QTH.COM