
W7DK was on the air in Class 6A for the annual ARRL Field Day event, June 23-24, 2012. Radio Club of Tacoma members demonstrated their ability to quickly establish emergency communications by amateur radio in the event of an emergency. We operated six HF stations during the 24 hour contest period on the grounds of Western State Hospital in Tacoma.

In addition to the primary HF stations, the club operated a GOTA ("get on the air") station and a VHF station. Power at each location was provided by small generators. Contacts were recorded by computer using the N3FJP Field Day logger. A publicity shelter provided a focal point for visitors, and a full service kitchen was up and running through the weekend.

Club members started out at the Clubhouse early on Friday, June 22, packing antennas, rocket launchers (portable antenna towers) and equipment for the weekend. Five high-gain Yagi beams were erected for operations on the 6, 10, and 15 meter bands, along with 20 meter SSB and 20 meter CW. A complex array of wire antennas supported by tall fir trees ensured our signals on 40 and 75/80 meters could be received by stations all over the United States and Canada. Bandpass filters helped minimize interference between stations.


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